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Selling a creative vision or idea is not just important right at the outset of the process but it acts as great reference on the shoot to brief the prop and set builders departments, hair and make-up teams and the cast. It all helps make sure everyone is on point.

Stuart's creative eye will make sure his moodboards hit the spot. 

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Whether it's a job that casts to a budget,

for fame, for inclusivity or for pure talent,

getting the right person for the right reasons

can never be under estimated.


Stuart's trusted casting experience comes free with every project.

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Where? When? Out of season? In season? Studio?

Stuart has shot extensively around the world working with experienced production partners and is no stranger to early starts and tinkering with shoot schedules with changing weather. Whatever the job requires he'll work his magic to ensure the shoot deliverables are covered as best as possible.

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Shoot Planning

There are hundreds of big and tiny decisions that go into creating eye catching and memorable work which is why a well prepared preproduction process is so important. Working ahead of time means everyone can focus on the all important performance on the day.

Stuart's eye for detail all adds up to a slick result.

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Post Production

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Media Formats

Whatever is on the list of deliverables

shooting with the tech requirements for every format in mind is key. 

Stuart is no stranger to shooting for a static poster one minute, to in store display or a moving social post the next.

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Shot selection

Looking for the perfect shot or take, the models expression, the light, the clothes just so, the best frame that sells the right emotion for the idea isn't a science. 

Stuart's experience helps him get to the right choices efficiently. Sometimes it's not the most obvious one that is the ONE!

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Retouch with a light touch.

Stuart has always been an advocator of less is more when it comes to beauty retouching with the industry only recently catching up with the same thinking. Obviously some creative ideas lean more heavily on putting things together in post, but whatever a project requires, a good retouching brief will pay dividends in the end result. 

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A neg or raw file is where it starts. But where does it go?

Years of experience gained working closely alongside reputedly the best fashion printer, Brian Dowling, who was Nick Knight's and Glen Luchford's (and Stuart's) go to man. He helped Stuart fine tune his grading skills over the years, enabling him to create many different campaign looks, but also timeless work that still looks fresh today. 

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